How to get to Well on Bay

Public Transport

The nearest public transport options to Well on Bay include:

  • The 109 Tram to Port Melbourne.
  • The nearest stop is a 10 minute walk from stop 128, down Graham St to the clinic on the corner of Graham and Bay St.
  • The no 234 Bus
  • The Bus leaves from Queen Victoria Market in Franklin St and stops in Bay St, a 2 minute walk from Graham St and the clinic.

Private car

  • There is ample street parking in streets around the clinic, on Bay St and Graham St.
  • The closest public underground car parking is at 78-92 Bay St, entrance accessible via Little Bay St. The travelator or lifts enable access to street level and is then 3 doors from the clinic.
  • There is also free parking at Coles Supermarket, a short walk down Graham St.